Friday, May 31, 2013

Another silly video and a really cute picture of Mini

Here is another Vine video of Shoebert, the wild tongued terrier.  The tongue in How (Not) to Kiss Your Dog is based on his.

And so Miss Mini won't feel left out, here is a cute photo of her.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I joined a social network called Vine.  It allows you to make really short films and post them in infinite loops.  If you join Vine look for the hash tag #TheRatDogPack or #DogsterDogMom

Here is one of Mini-bert at the nursing home and another of Shoebert.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

More funky cute dog pictures

Here are some more pictures from lab.

Hilbert as a globe.

Hilbert, appropriatly as a fractal.

Check out Amazon on Wednesday for a FREE Kindle Hilbert Happy Day book!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Psycyfunky Doggie Photos - Mini the terrier

I have yet another new photo app.  It's called lab.  One thing it can do is take a photo and turn it into a kaleidoscope like image.  Look closely at the photos below and see how long it takes to find Mini's face.

Which is your favorite?  I like the one in the middle best.  Tie-dye tripping, puppy dog style!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Anniversary Mini! Free Book to Celebrate!

Mini has been with us for a year now.  The carpets are a loss, but otherwise it's been a great year!

To Celebrate, I'm giving away How (Not) to Kiss Your Dog.  This is the hilarious story of a family that adopts a wild tongued terrier.  FREE on FRIDAY MAY 3 ONLY.

So now, LET'S PARTY!!!!!